Rotweine Lang Raue Liebe 2016

Limited red wine blend - matured underground for 1 year!


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New version:

Rotweine Lang Raue Liebe 2019

In earth - in oak wood - in hearts.

A unique red wine limited to 1000 bottles. A cuvée made from the finest and oldest grape varieties from the best vineyards in Central Burgenland. An enchanting, timeless and powerful wine.
The "Raue Liebe" matures in small French oak barrels for a full 3.5 years before it is buried and stored in the middle of the vineyard in barrique barrels for another year.

At a depth of about two metres, this fine wine receives its finishing touches from Mother Nature in a very personal way. It is not only protected from winter frost, but also from any germs. The special microclimate in the depths and the constant exchange between wine and earth give it structure and elegance. The earth surrounds the wine barrels like a warming coat and thus ensures a uniform climate, deep darkness and silence for ripening. “Here the wine can fill up with exactly the calm and strength that it should exude when it is savoured. This special form of maturation is one of the oldest and finest methods in the world, ”explains Stefan Lang.

Each bottle is individually packed by hand in a wooden box and surrounded by soil. Numbered and very long-lasting! Only exists in the best of years!


Category: Red wine
9wines Points: 97 points

English reviews written for Rotweine Lang Raue Liebe 2016