Bodegas Peñafiel
Spain / Ribera del Duero
As one of the top wineries in the Ribera del Duero, Bodegas Peñafiel regularly gets top marks from critics, but that is not the reason why we have the wines in our range. No, as always, it is our impressions from tasting the wines and meeting the people. It was their passion paired with the dedication to produce really great wines that really impressed us.
The winery produces several lines and the excellent Miros de Ribera demonstrates why Ribera del Duero is so popular. Grandiose wines with a beguiling fruit and vibrating acidity bring drinkability to the Tempranillo whilst it is still young. It's not cheap, but worth every penny from our point of view.
Peñafiel: 3 products
Miros de Ribera Miros de Ribera del Duero D.O. Reserva 2019, 0,75 L
- Matures for 24 months in barriques
- From very old vines
- Top rated, one of the best of the vintage
Miros de Ribera Ribera del Duero D.O. Crianza 2018 Magnum, 1,50 L
- 18 months of maturation in French oak barriques
- Vineyards in Castrillo de Duero at 920m above sea level
- Good ageing potential, great accompaniment to steak & more
Miros de Ribera Miros de Ribera del Duero D.O Crianza 2018, 0,75 L
- 18 months of maturation in French oak barriques
- Vineyards in Castrillo de Duero at 920m above sea level
- Good ageing potential, great accompaniment to steak
All prices incl. VAT.
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